This is the came colourway/dyelot, on 4 different fibres, it's always interesting to see how they take the dye differently.
Top Left is Super Sorted Shetland, by far my favourite fibre to dye because it sucks up the colours and makes them sing. Colour~mixes
can also split out on this fibre (because it sucks in one colour quicker than others) so thats a useful thing to bear in mind whilst dyeing, as you can use this to your advantage sometimes ;)
Top right is Falkland, a merino crossbreed, so this takes dye like merino, but has a longer staple length, making it an all round good fibre for beginner spinners, and for more experienced spinners too, who like to spin skinny :)
Bottom left is British Merino, from the only flock of merinos in the UK, bought at auction by Andy Robinson of
Bluefaced. This is an odd merino, as it doesn't "behave" like a merino ;) Its not at all slippery and drafts like it should be a longer stapled fibre!!! I find it very similar to BFL.
Finally, bottom right is BFL, a lovely crimpy and bouncy fibre, that blooms beautifully after you've set the twist in it post~spinning. Takes dye really evenly and deeply into the fibres. This is an all round favourite for a lot of spinners.
These 4 fibres are going onto the pile of fluff I am dyeing up for my stall at
Ravelry Day :)
Labels: BFL, falkland, fibre, merino, shetland