Time out.......

They had a special re~enactment weekend, portraying the Napoleonic Wars.....so we figured our boys might like to experience loud bangs, guns, cannons etc....yeah, it wasn't gonna be hard to please them, was it......hehehe
When we bought our ticket, we were given a quiz sheet, tailored for both their ages, so we went around the house, looking for the answers to the quizzes. What a brilliant idea......both of them were interested, and we got a decent look at the house and contents without them running about being all bored :D
If I am honest, and I am, that's what you all love about me.....hehehe...I was really disappointed with the overall conservation of the contents. It looked really tatty in places, threadbare carpets and ripped upholstery. And I won't even go into the damp!! Beautiful chinoiserie handpainted wallpapers.....ruined by damp....but hey, the castle needs a new roof, and all these things cost a lot of money.
We had a great day, it rained, but that didn't matter a jot.... *grins*
Looks like lots of fun!
When I visited my friend in Nottingham we talked about going to Belvoir but ended up going to a castle I forget the name of closer to her home.
It looks like a lot of fun!
*fnr fnr* you said beaver...
It looks like you had a great time - I love going to re-enactments, the Festival of History is a high point of the year for me :)
Looks like a great day out. Shame about the restoration (or rather not) of the castle though
Glad you had a good day off! :)
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