I am fifty something years old, and blessed to be a stay at home mum to two beautiful and inspiring sons, and significant other to my very own RockStar :D
Whilst I was working this morning, and the rain was pouring down there was a little pair of eyes watching me :) It's a baby sparrow, who I have named Jack (obvious I know, but hey!) His parents were going mad, flying about, making lots of noise, and I just managed to take this picture before he decided to go and explore.
We have two baby black birds in our garden at the moment. Their tail feather are just starting to grow in so they'll be off soon but they've already had a couple of wanders around the garden and one run in with Oliver (our cat) luckily no damage was done. :( They are so pretty, shame they poop endlessly- I'm going to have some clearing up mission once they've flown!!
aw isn't he sweet! Not too impressed with the rain by the looks of things tho!
We have two baby black birds in our garden at the moment. Their tail feather are just starting to grow in so they'll be off soon but they've already had a couple of wanders around the garden and one run in with Oliver (our cat) luckily no damage was done. :( They are so pretty, shame they poop endlessly- I'm going to have some clearing up mission once they've flown!!
Oops, left the comment from the wrong account! It's knitternatternoo from Ravelry. xxx
he looks very sweet. my cats would've had him for supper!!!
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