Found this on the table this morning....
Labels: Joel's World, kidlets
These two pics are of the 2ply BFL yarn she spun especially for me, and its yummy, like sweeties, and smells divine :)
And here we have some fibre, top left is flax, top right is egyptian cotton (oooooh) and bottom is undyed silk hankies :) I cannot wait to start on the cotton!
Heres two lots of dyed fibre, a braid from Spindlefrog on etsy, and some merino from Shunklies, also on etsy...... :)
And finally.......all the little extras!!!
Hardly little either.....A Noro book, with a pattern in that I'd been looking at on Ravelry, what a jolly good stalker my spoiler is!! Theres also beautiful ceramic buttons, some beads, personalised pencils (yay!!!), and beautiful pen and some gel pens and a notebook!!!!
I must have been a very good girl........what do you reckon?
I lost my babies to the madhouse again yesterday, after a lovely summer. Here's some pics of them, looking all smart and ready to go........
Labels: kidlets
Got this off a Ravelry forum.....its quite cool.....
Labels: cashmerino, etsy, fibre, roving, stash
Okay, so this......
is turning into this.....
Labels: hand dyed, handspun, louet, merino/silk, spinning
Labels: fibre, merino/silk, roving, spinning
Lottie and Miffy came over yesterday, as did a lovely lady from Ravelry called Nikki :), and we did some dyeing, it was great fun!!! They came up with some lovely colours, and went away with bags of hand-dyed fluff :) I was totally inspired by something Miffy came up with and put my own "spin" on it today, calling it "Fruit Salad"
I also dyed some corrie roving up too, "Rainbow Brite"
I had a lot of time to myself this weekend to do dyeing, as the football season has started again..... hehehe
Not having a good day no no I am not.....