Friday, July 27, 2007
Feeling loads better :)
Thankyou for all your sympathetc now feeling pretty much back to normal.
Normal? Moi..... he he he he
Picked up my knitting again, which is always a good sign....hehehe. Am currently working on a pair of Rainbow cropped longies, for my competition winner, in XL. I then have another pair to do, from a competition on Cloth Nappy Addicts and then I am clear to start getting all my house packed up for the big move!!! We should be getting the keys late next week...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Poorly me
I have a bad cold...which is verging on flu, as I ache all over. I think I may be over the worst of it though, as I spent most of yesterday sleeping.
My boys were brilliant, we went to the village to post some parcels and do a few other things, and we popped into the library on the way home, as they are both doing The Big Wild Read Joel saw a DVD he wanted, so we got that out, had lunch at home then I crashed out on the sofa, while they watched TV etc. When Phil got home I moved from the sofa to bed....and that was it :)
Some good news on the house front, we're going to be completing on the house we're buying a week on Thursday!!!
Just need to sell this one now.....anyone fancy it??? *smiles sweetly*
I am sure it will shift quicker once we're not in it though...there is only so much de-cluttering you can do with 2 kids.....
Sunday, July 22, 2007
BzzAgent Babylonglegs!!!
Yes.....thats me :)
I signed up to BzzAgent about 3 months ago now, its basically a consumer reviews website, but with this one you actually get to test the products out. The more you "Bzz" or tell people about BzzAgent, and the products you've tested...the more points you get....thus unlocking entry into other campaigns. I thought it was worth a go...and its okay actually...!!!
Sofar I have looked at Nectar eStores and the Wilkinson Sword Intuition razor exclusively for women. I used the razor yesterday, and I must admit to being a bit sceptical about it tbh. Firstly for the amount of packaging it comes in, and the fact it is made of non recycleable plastic. The blade is surrounded by a solid soap/moisturiser, so you don't need to put anything on your legs first. I did find the handle of the razor filled up with water though, as I was trying to rinse the blade, and also the soap solid gets hair in it *giggle* But it was generally legs are beautifully smooth...I am not sure about the closeness of the shave though. Plus...I had to leave the razor out so the soap could dry, 'cos if I had put the lid on I am sure the moisture would not have evaporated and would have made the soap surrounding the blade all mushy. It was hard to do under my arms as well...
"Intuition Plus is the all-in-one women's razor designed to fit in to your busy life, not on top of it. Thanks to a unique and convenient design, it lathers, shaves and moisturises in one simple step to give a speedy yet skin-friendly and close shave — so you spend less time in the bathroom. "
Well I actually like spending time in the is a break from the kids!!! Hahahaha.....but I have to say its one of the fastest shaves I have ever I guess thats a thumbs up!
But, my general review of this product is... thanks for the freebie, but I won't be buying it *wink*
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Gallery Pictures
Havn't updated my Gallery on here for a consider it done :)
Still raining here...hasn't stopped for 2 days!!!
Well, at least we won't have a drought this year......
Friday, July 20, 2007
A new colourway

Sorry the photo of the garment is so dull, I took one photo and then the batteries on my didge ran out...and I have no more, despite emptying every toy/appliance of batteries..... hehehe
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
God's Lent Boy
Where to begin......when I talk, or even think about this I find words escape me, so I'll just start at the beginning.
A very good friend of mine has lost her 3 month old son. He was born with a few problems, which were fixable in time....but his little lungs just didn't grow as fast as he was, and he ended up being ventilated. He had a lot of spirit, and the thoughts of prayers of lots of people behind him and his family, but this just wasn't enough in the end....
It was his funeral today, and it was as you might expect, filled with sorrow, but there was also a certain calmness to it all as well, as if something had been lifted.
His Mum posted a beautiful poem on a parenting site I go to....and for me it says it all. I am not in the least a religious person, but I'd like to believe that these words were least for my friend. Goodnight little will forever be in our our hearts and our thoughts
My first Special order :)

This is my first, a custom dye 50% Alpaca - 50% Merino....Medium in size...with all the little girly pretty pinkness derving of a Sparkly Princess :)
You can tell I have two boys can't you....I revel in prettyness.... *grin*
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
Its Competition time at Babylonglegs!!!
I have teamed up with the KraftyKoala to bring you the chance to win your very own pair of Rainbow Cropped Combat style Longies. Just answer the very simple question on the competition page. The competition will run from midnight on Sunday 8th July, until midnight on Sunday 15th July.I have also restocked my In stock Shop with a few items, and there are also some new bespoke colourways to choose from…
Good Luck!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Wow....what a weekend.....
Woolfest was brilliant!!!! Everything I imagined, but better....
Sarah and I set off from Leicester about 5.45pm Thursday, and arrived at the campsite at about 11pm.....putting the tent up in the howling wind and rain was rather fun. I didn't sleep a wink all night, 'cos I was so excited (plus I hadn't put enough air in the airbed *sigh*) and I stirred at about 6am... it was a LOOONG wait until the doors of Woolfest opened at 10am!!!!
The venue is a huge metal barn, and it was choc full of wool vendors, animals, raw fleeces...everything wool related was there :) I had to restrain myself quite a lot, I could have spent a fortune!
This is a great pic I took of a wall of sock yarn on The Web of Wool's stall. I took it landscape as I couldn't get it all in, but I actually like it like looks like a yummy scrummy woolly mattress *grin*
I didn't buy much for personal use, it was all work related. I met my main yarn supplier, Andy from ,what a great bloke :) I also met the people I buy my dyes from, Twist and DT Crafts and I also found a new supplier, of organic Merino wool.....goodness me it's so soft....!!!!
I also met up with a few people I know... my good friend The KraftyKoala , WoollyWormhead and her Mum (blogless Gloria) , Wye Sue , Susoolu and quite a few others too....but I have a rubbish brain for remembering stuff....!!!!!
So, the ensuing weeks will see me experimenting with new colour schemes, and other really really exciting stuff *winks*