Moonchild :)

And so the finished Yarrrn!!! The roving practically spun itself, and it also gave me the opportunity to practice my long draw...hence the slubby bits...hehehe
I will make a post first thing on Monday (28th) .....leave me a message, and I'll write all yer names down and get Dan to draw the winner out of a hat first thing on Tuesday....
Have been really busy.....dyeing, spinning and knitting up a pair of custom longies. The longies have one more leg to go and the handspun is still drying, so I'll blog them later ;)
This colourway I have called "Berries and Blue Sky"
I realised last night I've not blogged for ages......was reminded of the fact by my good friend BigBird....and felt so duly chided I thought I'd better come up for air :)
An okay week sofar....with lots of lovely things to show and tell :) First Knitpicks Harmony Circulars from Get Knitted.....ooooooohhhh hhhhmmmmmm....and I got some sweeties and a free pen!!!
As I said on Monday, I've been experimenting in dyeing my new slow cooker....I did 100g of BFL on Monday, in pinks and purples.....and its turned out not too bad :) Ends are a little felted, but thats okay. I just need to work out the timings now.
Its spinning up okay.....!!!
I braided some more roving last night, and dyed it up in the we shall see how that has turned out :) I am really enjoying the randomness of the dyeing......I am usually such a precise person, its nice to "allow" myself some "Lets just slap it on and see what happens"..... quite liberating in fact....hehehe
Woke up feeling a bit urghblah.......its the dark mornings,cold and rain I guess.....coupled with the fact I HATE Mondays......
Have been searching high and low for some new faves are now getting a bit threadbare, and are starting to hurt my feet. They are Rocket Dog mules, and the comfiest shoes... EVER. So having had my feet spoiled for a year, I couldn't find anything I liked. I have odd heels, and struggle to find shoes that don't leave me in agony, so I prefer to buy mules.....
Woke up feeling a bit miserable yesterday, so I decided to cheer myself up dyeing this lot :)
Just got a parcel, my blogversary prize..... from the lovely Lizet
She sent a knitting project bag, in a beautiful batik fabric (now you can't have too many knitting project bags) an entrelac washcloth, two 50g balls of Noro Silk Garden...ooohhh, and some undyed BFL fibre!!!