Wednesday, February 28, 2007
My son, the Diplomat
Joel and I made a hat yesterday, and had fun with you do....
After we'd finished, I needed 5 minutes to get on with some woolly stuff and he wouldn't let me, and my washing machine broke I was a littled irked. Anyway, he threw his hat on the floor, and stamped on it...I lost my rag and screwed it up and threw it in the bin (yes I know, naughty Mummy) I felt awful about it, so I apologised to him, explained why it happened, and we made 2 more hats together...
Later on in the day, after the school run and pre-school, Joel had a little friend round to play. He got the hats off the window sill, and went to give Daniel his. His friend said "Wheres mine?"...and Joel thought for a minute...and gave his friend Daniel's hat. Then he went over to Daniel and said...
"Mummy screwed your hat up and threw it in the bin Daniel, so you hav'nt got one"
After I recovered from fits of laughter at his cleverness, it occurred to me he might have a future in diplomacy....hahaha
Friday, February 23, 2007
Have wool......will dye
Got straight on with dyeing some of it up, for special goodies soon to be listed on my new this space for an announcement SOON!!!!!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Me and my boys

Friday, February 16, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Monday, February 05, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
Berries and Cream :)
These are a custom order, especially for a friend of mine, who has recently had a baby girl :) She uses reusable nappies, but won't be using these longies as a "cover", as she uses stuffable AIOs, so they are cut a little slimmer than usual. Made in hand-dyed 100% merino Aran....and they are yummily soft, perfect for new born skin :D
And oh so ICKLE *grin*
Thursday, February 01, 2007
*UGH*.....poorly me.....*UGH* started on Sunday, thought it was just a cold, but as it transpired (after a trip to the doctor man) I had a chest infection, and a bit of flu as well I think.....because on Monday morning I literally could not move :( Every bone in my body hurt. My darling husband has been a complete star throughout, as usual, and took 2 days off work soI could get over it.
It lasted till, well, this morning! I woke up and finally felt human... HURRAH!!!!
I knew it was bad......I hadn't done any knitting for 3 days......
But I started a new project last night, in a beautiful colourway most expertly dyed by Gemma, for a beautiful girl in Switzerland. They are shaping up beautifully, and the yarn is forming a really interesting pattern :)
Feeling a bit more optimistic about being 35 now *grins*