This wool has been beautifully hand-dyed by my friend, Gemma
She's got the Koolaid dyeing bug too......tee hee....NOTHING TO DO WITH ME *whistles*
I needed another tester for my pants pattern anyway...and so I offered to knit her tester pair with her wool. Isn't it wonderful? Its a beautiful array of rainbow shades......I LOVE IT.
My two boys are up staying in Doncaster with my SIL and BIL at the moment, and we had a huge emergency with Daniel yesterday. He had an asthma attack, something that hasn't happened since he was 14 months old :( My SIL took him to the doctors, who gave him a nebuliser at the surgery because he couldn't even speak without gasping for his breath. He improved after the nebuliser, so they went away with a prescription for inhalers and some corticasteroids. He got worse again in the afternoon though, and had to be admitted to hospital, and his SATs went down to 90% at one point and he was put on oxygen :(
We bombed it up there, and went straight to the hospital, and were greeted with Dan stuffing his face with chicken nuggets, chips and have no idea how relieved we were. We stayed in there for about 2 hours, then the doctors were happy to allow us to leave, and we had a 24 hour re-admission slip should he deteriorate. He had a great nights sleep, and didn't need too much blue inhaler to I think he's on the mend.
I feel awful.....stressed, sick to my name it. I think its just delayed shock though, I've been mulling it over in my head, the *could have beens* and the immense guilt you feel as a parent when something like this happens. Phil and I came home again today, to try and retrieve a little of the time we were meant to have whilst the kids were away.
Needless to say, its taken me about 6 hours to knit this last (hopefully) pair of has really taken my mind off everything......stress relief!!!!