Sunday, April 23, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
My Grandma

Well, we are back from our trip up North. I am feeling heavy hearted at our huge loss, but also hopeful of a better relationship with my folks. We got along really well, and I felt especially close to my Mum, something I haven't felt for a long time.
We left the children with Phil's parents, after much discussion. It really wasn't the right place or time for them to be there, as we all needed to concentrate on saying goodbye to my Grandma and being there for each other.
It was a lovely service, well as lovely as funerals can be....The minister knew my Grandma very well, as he used to hold services in the home where she lived. He comforted us with his personal memories, how she'd always sing the 23rd Psalm, whether it was going to be sung or not, and how she always had a smile and a cuddle for his wife. I managed to read the poem my Mum asked me to read "Footprints in the Sand" by Mary Stevenson. As we went in, and after the first hymn, I really didn't think I'd be able to manage it, but I asked my Grandma for the strength to be able to read it....
So, the end of an era. She had a major brain hemorrhage when I was 8....I am now 34, so my parents have spent the last 26 years caring for her either full or part time. She came to live with us when my Grandad died, as she was unable to look after herself, and the last 10 years of her life were spent in a care home, as she fell and broke her hip, and couldn't get up stairs anymore. She was a huge part of my Mum's life especially, and she will be sorely missed :(
God Bless you Grandma, I will think about you every day, as I do my Grandad and Granny. I know that wherever you are, when ever I need will be there.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
Happy Easter, Blogland :)

Another twp pairs finished.....all ready to go on sale at PuddlePants in time for Real Nappy Week 2006 I shall be offering a 10% discount for RNW, on all my products on Puddlepants :)
I got some really sad news yesterday... my maternal Grandmother passed away :( She has been very ill for many years, and to be honest, it is a bit of a blessing. She's not in any pain anymore and in a happier place. Her funeral is next week, so we'll travel up to Cumbria and stay at a friends so we can attend.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
More hand dyed wool :)

Had a bit of a dye fest today :) I ordered some KoolAid from KoolAiduk yesterday, and it arrived this morning, and seeing as how I'd split a 600g hank of aran weight wool last night I thought I'd get on and have a play :)
This is wool for the MumsOnline Real Nappy Week Competition. I have offered up a pair of my shorts as a prize, and my good buddy Lottie who makes Stuffienappies is going to donate a Hemp Stuffie to go with them :D
So the lucky winner will be able to choose the Pink & Plum or the Aqua and Lime to be knitted up in the size of their choice :D
Monday, April 03, 2006
Wool Shorts :)

Well, here they are, my first proper pair of wool shorts, beautifully modelled by my friends daughter!!!! I am well chuffed with how the hand dyed wool has knit up...and also chuffed with the fit of the shorts over a cloth nappy :) They are a great shape....
The wool was nice to knit with too.....I did the waistband with 5mm circulars, and the body/legs with 4.5mm.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Hand Dyed Heaven !!!!!!!!

Been having some fun this week!!! The top 3 pics are my efforts.....the bottom 3 are from an eBay seller called Calana Crafts
I dyed my wool with KoolAid. I bought 2 hanks of wool from eBay some time ago, aran weight, totalling @1200g....(a lot) and have split it into smaller hanks.... am dyeing 3 smaller hanks (about 100g each roughly) at a time. I put the mixed with water KA into a pyrex dish, stuffed the pre-soaked hanks in, in no particular order....zap for 2 mins, cool and then zap again. Then repeat for the next colour etc...
Easy peasy! And the wool smells yummy.....
Am working on a pattern for summer woolly shorts, and am doing all this wool for them :)