Wednesday, August 31, 2016

From Boys... to Men. The end of an era...

So today is that day again... my manshapes go back to school, after an amazing Summer, full of adventures, love and laughter.
It's never been a favourite day of mine, I love having them at home....
But today is different, as it's the last of the 'back to school pictures' of them together... as this time next year, Dan will have finished school.
So I have spent a bit of time this morning looking at photos of them (trying not to let my heart break) so I could bring these pictures to my blog...

The pictures on the left are their very first days at school... at 4 and a half and on the right is them today, 13  and 17 :)

Above is them both together, on Joel's first day at school... and below is them today!


When you are about to venture into motherhood... people try to prepare you for what lies ahead... but I don't think anyone could ever have prepared me for this... 

The day to day mothering is nearly over... and it is quite hard to deal with, y'all!!