Tuesday, September 18, 2012

... Have been thinking ...

Should I start dyeing Fibres again??
Not a lot of people are buying Yarn at the moment, which isn’t such a good thing for me, as Husbeast is still jobless >.<
Thing is, dyeing fibre the way I do is very labour intensive, so it will not be cheap…
When I used to spin regularly, I was always more than willing to pay for a good quality roving… is this the same for everyone?
I could try to speed up the process, but this might be to the detriment of quality, and you know how I hate rushing things !!

I am very interested to hear all your thoughts :D

I have started a thread on my Ravelry group about it HERE

Lotsa love as always, my awesome peeps

S xXx

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Thursday, September 06, 2012

Lichen Mists

A little while ago... myself, WoollyWormhead and RockandPurl met up in London, and of course I filled a bag with yumminess and let them choose whatever floated their designer boats :D
Ruth chose a turquoise/teal skein of 'Perfection' sock (amongst others... powerless to resist you see *GRiN*) ... and turned it into this beautiful shawl... !!
It never ceases to amaze me how people can design and make such beautiful things with my yarn, and it makes me very proud when they do...
'Lichen Mists' is available to download on Ravelry, here, and when I get my act together, I will list some 'Perfection' plus pattern slots in the shop...

(all photographs are used with the very kind permission of their owner)

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