I found this AWEsome electric guitar fabric at AllyPally, and so I bought it and sent it over to my friend Nic, to be made into a new and *exclusive* Project bag (from NicsKnots)
So, if you like elecctric Twangers and knitting...this is the bag for you ;)

I am going to be updating the shop with the veryVeryVERY last of the British Merino Aran tomorrow night ... this is it now...no more until my supplier tries to buy some more at auction in April next year. But, with the price of wool rising like it is at the moment, it won't be £8 per 100g skein I shouldn't think... which kinda makes in unaffordable for people who use cloth nappies !!!
There'll be lots of other yummy things in the update too...the last of the Radiance Aran...and lots of lovely yummy semi-Precious DK :)
I'll be updating the shop tomorrow night, at around 8pm....
*Puts stalking hat on*
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