Thursday, December 17, 2015


Kate at APlayfulday recently blogged about #makegoodfeelgood ... and this week I have been in dire need of a creative distraction, to help me run away from my Black Dog.
Insomnia-fuelled anxiety is a big downside of my depression, mix this with bad dreams and a large side of seasonal pressure, and you have an unpredictable and very highly strung Sarah.
The only way for me to channel this negative energy is to create, whether it be dyeing (not possible at the moment with it being so cold), spinning or weaving... 
My medium of choice at the moment is weaving. 
I needed a bright and quick-to-complete project for an instant hit of happiness, and this pattern (along with a green/teal heavy palette) is a real winner :)

Some of these yarns I hand-dyed specifically for a 'quick hit' project, and some are from stash

..this is the warp plan, 3 repeats were used

When my little warping helper (aka Joel) got in from school yesterday, he helped me wind the warp, and I had it all threaded and tied off very quickly... am getting faster and faster at it.

...and had it all woven and off the loom within 5 hours... 

The felting side of it doesn't take any time at all either :)

This pattern is right up my street when the angst sets in, but I think I might be ready to move onto a plain weave now, as my edges and tension are getting better. 
I am sure I will return to it though, in times of need... the effect this pattern produces is really beautiful, and is a perfect way for me express the colours in my heart.


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