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Sunday, December 14, 2008
This colourway is stunning! I'm looking forward to your socks.
Hi Sarah,
Could you give me a hint where I can find superwash BFL (the undyed roving as I lóve to dye wool and such)? I have been looking for a supplier in the UK, but haven't found one yet ;o(
Only dyed rovings and though they are very lovely, I'm just looking for the 'white' BFL.
Best wishes,
Judith, spinning some lovely handdyed superwash merino roving intended for socks.
i love your rivendell, any chance of some other LOTR ish colourways. i would love to have a Rivendell Hat (have) Mordor Socks, Shire/hobbit Shawl, Gandalf Sweater, Elfin Baby set. lol id call it my LOTR garment set. lol
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