Not blogged for a few days!

Another satisfied customer!!!! They are a bit long in the leg......ahh but she'll grow into them :)
Been a mad old week, as usual. We're all full of cold and coughs, nothing really serious though...which I am thankful for....nothing worse than poorly ickles :(
Daniel has been in trouble at school nearly every day.....aarrgh :( His class teacher has absolutely no clue as to how to deal with him, he runs rings around her, is rude and refuses to do anything she says...I talk to him on a daily basis about being kind, helpful etc...but does he listen?
Things are going really well with the knitting though :) More and more people are clicking on my banner on Mumsonline, and a couple of good friends have mentioned me on other parenting word is getting out! Because of this I am going to be snowed under until after Christmas at least...hehehe, keeps me out of trouble ;)
Going to have some "me" time tomorrow, go and get my hair cut. Its getting way too long, and dry at the ends, so a trim is just what it needs. Was thinking of a radical cut...but then looked at how long it is and decided against it.......
Came across your site via UKHK and just wanted to say I love your kiddie pants! They're sooo cute! :)
Have a fab weekend.
Thanks for your lovely comments Annarella :)
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