Doodlepants are finished!!!

Here is my first attempt at a pair of Doodlepants :)
I altered the pattern slightly, by increasing a feww stitches each side, and adding a K1 P1 rib, to act as "elastic" so the bum doesn't sag. I tried them on a friends little girl this morning, and they looked great! Just need to put an I-cord in the waistband, and they are ready to go :) I do want to start embellishing them, may put a couple of pockets on each leg at the side, underneath the rib, with some cute buttons on or something....
I had a hat knitting session last night.....LOL..what a disaster! Knit it completely in the wrong yarn and needle size, so it fits my youngest perfectly....hahaha, was meant to be for me...good job it was just an experiment. I did manage to finish it in under two hours though!
Feeling loads better today, all the acheyness and fuzzy head has gone...
fuzzy head due to the too-small hat? pics of hat? *grin*
cute pants, looking fwd to getting mine, i mean k's of course!!
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