'Twas a cold and frosty morning......

Woke up this morning, and looked out in the garden, to find spider's webs everywhere......all covered in frost.....it was beautiful! Had to go out and take some pics of them.....
Took Daniel to football this morning, and nearly froze my feet off! Phil cancelled Soccer School (he teaches the 4-6 yr olds...way too cold for them this morning!) He stayed at home with Joel :)
Had my hair cut this afternoon too....looks miles better! Has some shape now instead of just being a lifeless mop.....
Just had the best news tho......my Longies are now online!!! My friend, Annie, at Puddlepants is stocking them for me.....until I get organised enough to have a website :) I am so excited......
Finishes another pair tonight, just got the i-cord to do, and I can post them out on Monday....will take a piccy tomorrow and post it on here.
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