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Monday, December 03, 2007
looks fantastic!!!!!
love lottie
Wicked hat Sarah. :D Glad to hear you are feeling more upsey and less downsey. {{{HUG}}}
love the hat Sarah, Its just so Dan. Glad to see you settling into your new house. If its any consolation I still got some boxes I haven't unpacked and we been here 4 1/2 years now *grins*
Life does seem to be a lot of upseys and downseys, I promise I seen a lot of the downses but hopefully they just make us stronger for the next challenge bigs hugs coming from Cornwall XXX
Fab hat!!!
And glad to see you are getting a decent number of ups.
Your handspun is GORGEOUS!! I hope I can spin like that one day! It really is lovely!
The jacuzzi look like a lot of fun :D glad you're feeling a bit better, your hat looks awesome too :)
Vik xx
That hat looks great the colours are ideal for a boy.
Of course he loves it, it is gorgeous! Especially the tri-peak.
I've been dying to make one of these for ages, yours looks fab, love the colours.
Fab Hat! Really suits him :)
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