The beginning of this week saw my lovely builder fellas finishing off the stud walls. They plasterboarded the whole of my Yarn Den (hehehe, I like that, thankyou Simply Knitting "Blog of the Week" reviewer!!!) and then Craig proceeded tp put a layer of plaster over all the boarding.
A shot of the ceiling, with the roof supports exposed, as I am sure to be able to find a use for them!
This is the door end, you can see the holes that will house the light switch and some of the powerpoints......
This is the window side...Husbeast and Camera Shy Wayne went to B&Q last night to buy the rest of the supplies needed to finish it all off. I shall have window sills, a small skirting board all the way round, (not cuz I iz posh or owt *winks*) because the amount of moisture I will be creating with the dyebaths will seep into everything, so the walls need to be as sealed as possible everywhere.
Husbeast has sealed the plaster this morning with a PVA glue solution, and this is going off as I type, and then we can paint it :) We have special Bathroom/Kitchen paint that is moisture resistant...
Wayne and Craig are coming back on Monday to start the final stage, which is fitting the kitchen units, both floor and wall mounted, putting the bargainous worktop on them, then I need to go and get some floor tiles so they can lay those too.
Then, my lovely "Shed Progress" follwers, it will be finished!!!
All that will be left to do then is get my ace Plumber guy round to plumb in the cooker, and then his mate to service it...then, when the Electrician gets back from his hollyday, he can come and put all the power points in, and fit the light :)
Your yarn den is smarter than my kitchen!!
Wow, and it all seems to be happening so quickly too!
I love DIY progress shots. In fact, I live for them. I don't know what it is about them, but they just bring a certain pitter-patter to my heart.
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