In the immortal words of Jake and Elwood.....
"... it's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses ..........Hit it!"
Or, in my case......
"... it's 956 yards to "Elsewhere", I've got a bag full of handspun, some Harmony interchangeable needles, it's dark and I'm wearing sunglasses (okay that's a lie, but I couldn't think of anything witty to replace it with...hehehe) ..........Hit it!"
One ply "Enchanted", one space spun merino ply and one of just solid black Falkland merino
For these skeins, I split the "Enchanted" pile of greens and blues and the other pile the black/browns....then spun them both up as separate plies. I found some wonderful tealy jade merino on eBay, so that is the third ply here.......
For these skeins, I split 200g of the "Enchanted" into 8 long strips (over 2 bobbins) and spun it to make it randomly stripe.....plied it with 100g of solid black Falkland Merino
This lot you've already seen..... ;)
........and here it all is together!!!I am so proud of myself.......and I can't wait to get started on it.There's approximately 956 yds, over 9 skeins, a total weight of 811 g.Should have enough to make the Large size!!!
fabulous colours, can't wait to see it knit up:)
YUM YUM YUM can't wait to see what you do with it.
Oh man, I am so jealous. Lovely.
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