The top two lots are Shetland, kindly given to me at Woolfest by Andy Robinson :) They are maybe destined to be part of a 3 ply custom spin, not sure yet....colour mojo is faffing about :S Gonna do another two colourways today, and then put them all together and see if they go. I like the idea of the burgundy/purple one going with the limes.....And the bottom one is my LottieRu colourway, which is over on etsy if you want a butchers ;) Its Merino/Silk, and its so soft and silky...It was my first time dyeing that kind of fibre, and theres a bit of white still left. Not that this is a problem though, it'll just make for very subtle colours :D Not quite so "in yer face" as I normally am with colour :D Labels: custom, etsy, hand dyed, merino, roving
Nice work! Oh and nice shoes too.
I've finally got crochet. Woo!!
i love the colours and the shoes!!!
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