What a brilliant Ravelry Day :)

It rained all day, only stopping when it was all done and dusted......but it didn't put anyone off!!! The day was a complete whirlwind of various delightful knitting and spinning peeps coming to have a squish and fill their bags with fluffy stuff, all the stall holders were so busy :D
I had such a fantastic day, met so many people I can't even begin to remember all of them, but you know who you are ;)
Thankyou to everyone who couldn't resist a purchase or two, and a very special amount of thanks to my bestest friends for being right there by my side.
I couldn't have done it without you .........muuahhh!!!
It was such a good day - great meeting you, and look forward to spinning up my merino/silk. Your stand looked fab!
wow, all those beautiful colours :-o
I wish I could have got to get some more of your lovely handspun after winning my first lot! Maybe next time!
I am soo chuffed that it went well for you too xx
It all sounds SO COOL!
I bought some very yummy yarn from your lovely stall :D It was a great day and quite overwhelming for me as it was the first time in a long time that I have managed to go anywhere so busy. I loved everything on your stall and could've easily come away with a lot more! (if the hubby hadn't have been there ;))
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