Seeing as how its my Birthday next week, I thought I'd have a little competition :D
Leave a post here, having a little guess as to how many skeins you reckon I have on my kitchen table, and it'll earn you an entry into the comp :D
Prize will be some yarrrn, if you are a knitter, or some fibre if you are a spinner......
WOW thats alot of yarn!!!
I'm gonna guess at 85 which will probably be way out but hey gotta guess something. ;)
oh thats lots of yarn
at least 80 skiens there I figure
ohhh now I imagine them all dyed up and in my house, wouldn't that be nice (for me that is hehe)
That is a lot.....62
Looks like you are going to busy again!
That was obviously me not Michael! If he won yarn, I would laugh lots ;) xx
I'm going to say exactly 80.
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reckon 81
Wow, that looks mighty good, this mountain of yarn. Can't wait to see what magic you'll do with all of the skeins.
My guess: 64 skeins.
I am going with 80! Better hope the weather gets warmer soon!
WOW All that yummy yarn!!
I guess 84..... erm I think??
Looks like 80 beautiful skeins! So I say 80 skeins on your tabletop, unreservedly. ;) Good luck to all!
Why am I so happy to see your workload?
Oh yes, that will be nice yarn for us ... ;)
I was going to say 80 as so many others, but so as not to be too boring, I'll say 79. :P
Can't wait to see the dyed result.
I think around 76 skeins are awaiting your expert dyeing there...
How are you coping with all the yarn fumes there??
ooooooo lots and lots of lovely yarn!! id pay to roll in that!
im guesing at 82.
and happy birthday for next week.
77 and Mr Mog says 69
happy birthday
I would say about 55. I can just imagine the lovely colours all these are going to be.
Wow loads of yarn! I'm going to guess 72 skeins and keep my fingers crossed. N
Somenone has already said 50, so I'll have to go with 48!
W0W that's a lorra lorra yarn!
I'm guessing 90 :-)
80 I reckon!
I love the sight of this much wool :D. My guess is 64 skiens.
Hugs Tessa
Hippo Bathday 2 Ewes for next week... I'm going for 78 skeins of gorgeousness...
Claire / Panperoxide
Wow - that is definitely a mountain of yarn! I'm going for 47....fingers crossed!
Hope you have a great birthday!
I'm going for... 51.
I'm guessing at 67!
I think 82
Happy Birthday :-)
75 scrummy skeins methinks!
J x
I'm going to guess at 73 - what a lot of dyeing to do! Still got my eye on your yarrrns at Folksy :O)
I think 92 skeins!
That's the kind of mountain I like :D I was going to say 80 but it's already been said so I'll say 81 :)
i think 80 too :)
I think 72 skiens....but them I'm getting the shakes looking at all that yarny goodness, just sitting there, naked, just waiting to be dressed up! OOOOHHHH!!! I have an order comming...I have an order comming.....walk away from the computer
Happy Birthday!
I guess 95.
I say there is 80
I say 48 skeins
Looks around 90 skeins to me. Good grief, woman!!
I was going to say 80 too, but I'll say 87 just to be different.
I think I need to get me some scrummy yarrrrn :-)
80 for me as i ddn't realise there were 3 rows
I can't say the same as some one else but looking at it as a pyramid (and multiple ones some one could easily say 64 but I'm going to guess 68 thinking you may have slipped a few in somewhere.
I was drooling over this picture trying to see if I could count them LOL!
I hope I'm not too late and that nobody has said 65 yet. Have a great birthday.
i reckon 50 XXXXX
I Think 87!
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