Flashing my Stash :o)

Pure wool Merinos, all 50g balls, and last two rows are vintage yarns, in 25g balls

Pure Wool DK, all 50g balls
Hand-dyed BFL Aran (Big balls=100g, rest of balls are oddments 20g-50g each)
Pure wool Merinos, all 50g balls, and last two rows are vintage yarns, in 25g balls
Pure Wool DK, all 50g balls
Hand-dyed BFL Aran (Big balls=100g, rest of balls are oddments 20g-50g each)
ooo that's a fair wadge of yarn - when I get a spare moment my take pictures of mine but then it sinks in how much there is!!
The hand dyed stuff is deffo the best there ;o)
It all looks so organised. Mine is just a hidge-podge mess. Maybe I will take pics of mine tomorrow night....when dp is at work ;o)
Hi Sarah!
I don't know how you manage to get so much knitting done!! I am still knitting a scarf I started in August!!
I was 'talking' to Stella on messenger just now and she said she had left comments on my blog but they didn't publish - when I looked there were quite a lot because I had somehow managed to set it so I had to 'moderate' before publishing - doh!!
Anyway they are published now - thanks for yours - specailly about those wrteched d-l-l - I much prefer b-l-l - :)
It is good to see you and family at camp - I'm glad you enjoyed it but what a home-coming!!!
Hope to meet up with you all again
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