The lovely Nic texted me today to say she'd seen my woollies in The Green Parent again...and then she sent this pic over to me!!! I've included a picture of the original woollies, which are now owned by Nyree Dawn of Bums and Roses
They look great, and of course, they are number 1..... **grins**
heheheheLabels: hand dyed, handknit, woolies, woollies
Oh woweeeeee your famous :) How lovely to get you name in print but so well deserved too. Congrats sweetie, keep at it :)
I know, the number 1 didn't got un-noticed here ;) Go Mamalonglegs!!
Well done Sarah,
The amount of work u put into your projects its very deserved.
YOU GO GIRL!!!! Better get those needles warmed up...your going to be busy!! Fab as always, nice to see you get the recognition!
Great stuff!
That's great! Nowt like a bit of free advertising (and it's great to be appreciated!)
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